Error msg on MC control command

I am trying to create a function that sets my scaling tool on my stage to set itself. The instance name is slide_mc. Its a movie clip. I am getting the following error:

Expected a field name after ‘.’ operator.

scalelot = function(){

	scrollMin = _root.range._x+_root.range._width // minimum _x value possiible for scrollbar
	scrollMax = _root.range._x // maximum _x value possiible for scrollbar

	lowestScale = 50 // lowest desired scale of map in %
	highestScale = 100 // highest desired scale of map in %

	_x = scrollMin + (scrollMax - scrollMin)/25 //starting point

	scaleFactor = Math.pow(highestScale/lowestScale,1/(scrollMax-scrollMin)) // variable for SetScale
	function SetScale(){
		// calculates scale and sets it
		_root.scale = _root.map_mc._xscale = _root.map_mc._yscale = lowestScale * Math.pow(scaleFactor,(scrollMax-_x))
	if (dragging){
		_x = Math.min(Math.max(_parent._xmouse,scrollMax),scrollMin)