Error opening url

i was making an flv player in flash, and all went well when i was loading local files, but when trying to load files from the web i started getting an “error opening url” in ide’s output. sometimes - not always, and regarding the same file.
tried to upload the player to see if it’s because of local security settings but it ain’t.
added IOErrorEvent handlers that didnt see anything.
NetStream.StreamNotFound also didnt say show up.
tried to put the loading in a try / catch block, but it didn’t catch the error, since it’s not a normal exception, it’s a silent error that only flash ide sees.
looked around for people having the same thing and either they don’t know or it’s wasn’t my case.

thought to try a function that checks the existence of the file before attempting to stream. either i did it very badly or it just didn’t work (the function that should have checked things also gave the error).

now i dont understand how, why does this happen, what does this mean and what to do with it…

in my case all files were there, but suppose they aren’t, somebody deleted them or the server took some time to respond. a normal video player should know how to handle such things, no? - timeouts & retries, display message, load something else, etc.

anybody knows how defeat such horrible stuff, so they may never ever happen again?
