Please let me know if this doesn’t make sense…
I’m developing a series of sequencing classes. SequenceList has an array of Sequences. Each Sequence has an array of Steps. Each Step has an array of Conditions.
A Step dispatches a custom event (with bubbles set to true) when one of its conditions have been satisfied.
The parent Sequence doesn’t receive the event unless I add the listener directly to the Step.
Inside class Sequence:
Why doesn’t the following work?!? Doesn’t the event bubble to the Sequence because it originates from a item stored in a array property of the class?
Inside class Sequence:
More importantly:
The document class contains the SequenceList intance(s). It controls which instance is active. I need to addEventListener directly to the SequenceList instance and have it receive events dispatched from any Sequence or Step. Shouldn’t this work based on bubbling? What am I missing here?!?