Event Handler

I added this code to make a movie clip (gFP) pop up when rolled over and shrink back when rolled off:

gFP.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, goToGFPOver);

private function goToGFPOver(e:MouseEvent):void
gFP.scaleX = 1.4;
gFP.scaleY = 1.4;
gFP.parent.setChildIndex(gFP, gFP.parent.numChildren - 1);
gFP.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, goToGFPOut);

private function goToGFPOut(e:MouseEvent):void
gFP.scaleX = 1;
gFP.scaleY = 1;
gFP.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, goToGFPOut);

It works, but I have 45 movie clips I want to add this to - way too much code. Is there a way to have the event listeners for all the movie clips go to the same “Over” and “Out” functions?