I have this script which is effectivly doing 2 things every frame;
- checking where the mouse is;
- checking where to move somthing depending on the mouse and stage height;
The first part will always execute in my Event.ENTER_FRAME function. However, the second part will only execute if the stage height is smaller than whatever. The question is, is it faster to;
- Make 2 seperate Event.ENTER_FRAME listeners when needed
- OR -
- Make 1 large one that constantly checks if it should move depending on the stage height.
How does this work if I say have many event listeners? Is it more friendly to make many small ones or better to make fewer big ones, even if some parts of these simply waste processing time.
Also another thing, I have an embeded font working fine, but somtimes it moves up about 1 pixel then down again depending on a glow filter I am using which isnt even applied to the text. Setting the quality to 3 stops it, but at 2 it moves. There is no logic for this obviously and it is a glitch. Wierd
Thanks for reading/helping,