Event problem in AS3

Hi, guys.

I´m with serious problem here. I´m studying AS3 for a few days and still cant do an Event system work properly.

After googling for a while I stopped here:

// Listener Class:

 import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
 import flash.events.Event;
 public class ListenerObject{
  private var label:String;
  public function ListenerObject(label:String){
   this.label = label;
  public function addDispatcher(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void{
   dispatcher.addEventListener("testEvent", testEventHandler);
  public function toString():String{
   return "[ Listener "+label+" ]";
  private function testEventHandler(evt:Event):void{
   trace(evt.type+" dispatched from "+evt.target.toString()+" to "+this.toString());

// Dispatcher code:

 import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
 import flash.events.Event;
 public class DispatcherObject extends EventDispatcher{
  private var label:String;
  public function DispatcherObject(label:String){
   this.label = label;
  public override function toString():String{
   return "[ Dispatcher "+label+" ]";
  public function dispatch():void{
   this.dispatchEvent(new Event("testEvent"));

// Main class code:

package {
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class EventsDemo extends Sprite{
  private var listener2:ListenerObject;
  public function EventsDemo(){
   var dispatcher1:DispatcherObject = new DispatcherObject("D1");
   var listener1:ListenerObject = new ListenerObject("L1");
   this.listener2= new ListenerObject("L2");
   this.addEventListener("testEvent", onList1);
  public function onListL1():void {
   trace("onList L1");

But the problem is: At the “EventsDemo” class, I have the “Listener” class. And the function executede when the event is catched by the listener is the “testEventHandler”, wich is inside “Listener” class. What I want: Some object has the “Dispatcher”. When the “Dispatcher” instance fires an event broadcast, my “Listener” object catchs it and, based on Event type, calls a EventsDemo´s method.

In my particular case, I have a class wich loads an XML and parsing the data. The main class instantiate this XML class. What I want is when the XML have been parsed (some like “onDataDone” event) the main class is notified by a event broadcasting.

It used to be very simple in AS2, but with AS3 I´m going nuts!

Thanks for any help.
