
I have a class called SlideShow that extends Sprite. I also have a reference to a calls called bio which also extends a Sprite. In the SlideShow class I have a dispacthEvent that fires in a function. The problem I’m getting is the listener in the Bio class is not listening correctly. I thought this would bubble up as both Sprites are of the same parnet.

SlideShow Class

package com.slideshow {
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.events.Event;
	import com.slideshow.Bio;
	public class SlideShow extends Sprite{
		private var _bio : Bio;
		public function SlideShow( ){
			onShowNextSlide( 0 );
		private function init() : void {
			_bio = new Bio();
			_bio.x = 620;
			_bio.y = 12;
		public function onShowNextSlide( ID : Number ) : void {
			dispatchEvent(new Event('onNextSlide')); 
			onStartSlideChange( ID );

Bio Class

package com.slideshow {
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.events.Event;
	public class Bio extends Sprite{
		public function Bio(){
			this.alpha = 0;
			this.addEventListener('onNextSlide', onRefresh );
		private function onRefresh( evt : Event ) : void {
			trace("Refresh Bio");


It works if I use the line

_bio.dispatchEvent(new Event('onNextSlide')); 

But the problem with the above is I will have other classes that need to listened for the same dispatched event. Lets say I had 2 bio Sprites that needed to listen to the same event.