. . I probebly should just shut off kirupaforum for the evening. I’m really about to start banning people for using y instead of why, and 3’s instead of e.
. . I probebly should just shut off kirupaforum for the evening. I’m really about to start banning people for using y instead of why, and 3’s instead of e.
i do 2 … sum ppl r juz retarded, dem ppl shud b banned, seriously
Beware, ahmed. You might be one of those people…
running off to ban ahmed.
I’m sure that my agrivation has nothing to do with these little punks. I’ve got this ****er here at work who on monday, came in late, causing me to stay 15 minutes over my normal shift, then when I come in monday night to work, I find a whole crap load of work from their shift isn’t done, so I have to do it. When I asked the guy on shift after him when he left, the guy said 1:30 pm. When I asked the guy himself, he said that he left that day at 3:30. As if that’s not enough of a pain, I find out today that he put 10 hours down for monday on his timesheet.
This is just too much for me to take. I have to turn this ****er in, or he’ll just keep doing this ****, making me do his work, and then collecting OT for it… but he’s “untouchable” in that management never does anything about his ****, and usually ends up telling him somehow that I was the one that ratted him out, continually straining my relationship with my fellow workers.
I just don’t know what the hell to do anymore. For a long time I’ve just put up with the crap because A) it’s work… it’s always crappy like this no matter who cuts the paycheck, and B) he’s been doing this crap for years and never gets in trouble.
ah well… I guess I just need to vent.
Its ok david, let it out, i bet it feels good
lol… it does. I still don’t know what to do… but it always feels good to vent.
I wish I knew what to tell you, but I honestly don’t
lol… it’s ok. The truth of the matter is, I know what to do. It’s what I should have done all along. I need to get this ****er fired. He’s been doing this **** for at least 10 years now. If I were to add up how much money he’s scabbed off of this company, I’ll bet it would reach over 10 grand. He ALWAYS cheats on overtime hours.
Yep, just do it, man. Unfairness is the thing that upsets me the most
Our Integrity hotline is getting a call this afternoon. I just have to confirm the evening guys statement that Joe was gone by 1:30 pm.
should be interesting. He came in at 6:20, left at 1:30, and put in 10 hours. hmm something don’t add up, I count 7.5 hours at best.
i know exactly how you feel david, i too hate “l33t” i even hate having to use the term. it is terribly improper, bad practice of language, and totally immature.
and unreadable…
the basis of it is “elite”. I hate elite people.
Yeah upuaut - go for it. It’s not fair that you have to do more work and not get recognized for it while your coworker does less and lies to get more.
I hope it all works out well in the end
me too. I’m going to call the afternoon guy and tell him basicaly that if he will be willing to get involved, and state for my boss that Joe left at 1:30, then we can keep the whole thing internal to the shop. I have faith that my bosses will impose a penalty if two of us coroborate the story. (time sheet fraud is one of the more serious offences at this place). All in all I don’t want to get anyone in trouble parsay. I’d rather, always, to solve something internaly, preferably just between the offended parties.
If on the other hand, he is unwilling to stand with me on this issue, then I’ll have to go to the “Integrity hotline” on this issue.
Should be ok either way… this guy already knows I think he’s an ***. It’s hardly going to strain our working relationship much more than it already is.
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