Everyone must see this site!

O Come on Jubba, youā€™ve got it in you.
& comments please. lol.

Take it easy buddy,


Someone should ask Thoriphes if he could duplicate this movie clip. Iā€™ll bet you he could. THORIPHESā€¦

<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":">

That guy at WireFrame is one of the best Actionscripters in the world, fellows. Iā€™m sorry to say that I donā€™t think Thoriphes or anybody here could duplicate that.

  • Nobody ?, you ask.
  • Hmmā€¦ Maybe Jubby Boy, yeah.

pom 0]

Eventually I will be able to do that, but not for a loooooooong time. You guys give me 4 years and when Flash XP is out Iā€™ll have it for ya.

Sounds like Pom is issuing a challange to all. lol.
Hey Jubba youā€™re doing better than you think.
Iā€™m still patting myself on the back for recreating that sliding effect from POMS tutorial w/out going back to look @ the tutorial. Iā€™ve got a looooooooooong way to go.

Thatā€™s the spirit, 91 !! Keep it up !!

pom 0]

You donā€™t think Thoriphes could duplicate that? Really?

<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":">

Thats a really tough effect to duplicate. Iā€™m still thinking on itā€¦

Better ask him, donā€™t you think ??

But no, I donā€™t think he could, for one simple reason : the contraints. I mean : it looks like there is some serious research behind it, itā€™s notjust scripting. I donā€™t know. One thing is sure : I wouldnā€™t know how to do this.

Check this guyā€™s site to see what heā€™s capable of : www.wireframe.co.za/

pom 0]

i saw that. its wild. Heā€™s definatley got skills. Heā€™s probly been with Flash since Version 2. He has probly forgot more about Flash than we will ever knowā€¦


Yeah. 3D with Flash I still canā€™t understand. I have 1000 spinning cubes, I canā€™t understand any of them :frowning:

pom 0]

Iā€™m attemping to grasp the concept of 3D in Flash, but it completely boggles my mindā€¦maybe this summer, since Iā€™m going to have so much free time.

you lucky manā€¦ Iā€™ll be working like a slave in Singapore this summer :slight_smile: I heard thereā€™s a Flash festival soon there YAYAYAYAY !!! :smiley:

pom 0]

Iā€™m lucky!? Youā€™re the lucky one! I work like a slave too, but its just at McDonalds and Its only 4 days a week, but they are 14 hour days. Then I have Friday Saturday and Sunday offā€¦I get to skateboard and play with Flash all day longā€¦and work out occasionallyā€¦iā€™m getting chubby from too much time on my comptuer with this dam program!

Well, if you want to know, most of my forecoming days are going to be spent demonstrating in the street. Cos I donā€™t know if youā€™ve heard, we have a one-eyed fascist running for President, and he made it to the second turn.
I love France, such a nice country sometimes.

pom 0]

ahhh, good timesā€¦good timesā€¦good luck with that Pom!

Hey Thanks POM. This board is great. It really does inspire me to learn more. Thereā€™s a real good group of people in here. Whatā€™s up in Singapore? What are you guys from?

Ya Pom, whats up with lefty anyways? It doesnā€™t sound too terrible going back to the Franc and getting out of the EUā€¦Why does everyone hate this man so much? Whats up with that?


Yeah, well, heā€™s quite a nice person after all. See for yourself :

  • go back to Franc, get out of the EU
  • suppress automatic retirement pension
  • throw blacks, asians and arabs out of France
  • Close kindergardens so that women stay at home (to ā€œcreateā€ more jobs)

Iā€™ll have to peruse his programme and Iā€™ll let you know.

pom 0]

You know something funny We have the same problem here with some freaks. They comeout of the closet, filled with hate demanding pretty much the same thing, kick out the blacks, Asians & now Arabs. And itā€™s worse when it happens over here because this nation is nothing more than immigrants, and the remnants of the approximately 500,000 indians that roamed the continent before we arrived. Does color mean anything? Or nationality? The people I want to hang out with is people that are not hateful and are loving and accepting and want to enjoy life as much as we can. I donā€™t care if they wear a dot, walk around with a turbin, or if they are asian and study harder and do better than even us white folks. What the hell is wrong with people anyways? I worked at 3Com before getting laid off as a lab Tech. We displayed a flag for each and every nation that had a single employee working at the plant. They were around the perimeter of the manufacturing floor. They totalled some 180-200 nations. The place was a menagerie. And I liked it. But then again I am an inquisitive person that wanted to know as much about each culture as I could learn. Cause I enjoy that. It troubles me that there are many who donā€™t enjoy such things but rather despise them. And it definately seems as though there shall be no end to itā€¦The hatred that is. I think the real problem is rooted within the heart of mankind. A good tree does not bear bad fruit. Therefore, it seems that the tree itself is the problemā€¦Pretty metaphorical, eh?

<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":">