Everyone plssss click this!

Hi guys,
I have made an interactive game, and all i have left is my introduction menu that is incomplete. There will be three buttons - “How to Play”, “Start”, “Options” at the menu.

My purpose is to allow users to be able to navigate between these 3 buttons using both mouse and keyboard. Well im pretty much stuck at the keyboard actionscripting right now. Imagine yourself playing a STREET FIGHTER game, where you will be greeted at the introduction menu with several menus to choose from such as : START | OPTIONS | VERSUS | SINGLE PLAYER | CONTROLLER SETTINGS blah blah blah., …right? That is my aim that i want to go along. So far, I have already included onClipEvent(if key.isDown(key.DOWN) and (key.UP) … for me to navigate around the 3 buttons. But as im not very strong in actionscripting, my plan is to add in (if key.isDown(key.ENTER)… so that i will end up on HOWTOPLAY scene if i press “enter” on the howtoplay button. And i will end up on START scene if i press “enter” on the start button and i will end up on OPTIONS scene if i press “enter” on the options button respectively.

I know its pretty easy to solve, but no matter what, i’ve been cracking my brains and searching all over on the internet for ages. Hopefully someone can help save me soon!! =x


P.s / IF u need to see my file, i’d be glad to let you have a look