Exe publishing problems

Hi all!

I’ve done some searching on how the exe thing works but I’m having some trouble making mine behave accordingly.

I built my site for the web. I have one index.html site which is the intro page. On that page is a link to another html which is the main site. I worked it this way so that the main site opens in a new browser window of a specified size.

Now what i’d like to do is turn the whole thing into an executable so I can put it on CD so that when the user fires up the CD it automatically launches the intro site. Then from there you can click on the link that launches the main site in the new specified size window.

I made the executable but when you click on the link it opens two windows - one full screen but all it says is [object] and the other is the specified size but you just hear clicking noises like it’s stuck in an infinite loop.

What the heck? I’m sure it has something to do with the code for the pop up window but I’m not sure how to work around it?
