Expand/Collapse DIV - JS question

I’ve been using this example, and can, to a certain extent get it to work. I am able to set it so the link ‘expands’ and ‘collapses’ upon click. I want the menu to be hidden on page load and then once clicked the menu becomes visible. I’ve followed what has been outlined and it still doesn’t hide the DIV menu on page load.

The only way i’ve been able to achieve it is by placing:


within in the MENU’s DIV tag. This hides the menu on page load and when you click the relevant link it collapses and expands correctly.

However, from a usability point of view, if someones browser doesn’t have JS enabled, the DIV will be hidden permanently and they won’t be able to expand/collapse at all. So i need a way that if JS isn’t on, it will reveal the menu, and if it is on, it will hide it on page load and can be collapsed/expanded as needed.
