Explorer java script pop up help

I have everything working except the popup to the full flash site. The Mozilla being what it is works great so does safari and windows mozillas, BUT Explorer the putzz that it is willnot play along. my code is in a button and a layer called action

on  (release)  {

//customize the window that gets opened

// 0 equals NO.

// 1 equals YES.

address  =  "http://www.kirupa.com/modular/pop-up.htm";

target_winName  =  "kirupa";

width  =  400;

height  =  300;

toolbar  =  0;

location  =  0;

directories  =  0;

status  =  0;

menubar  =  0;

scrollbars  =  1;

resizable  =  0;

//sends data back to the function

openWinCentre(address,  target_winName,  width, height,  toolbar,  location,  directories,  status, menubar,  scrollbars,  resizable);



please helpp :frowning: :smiley: