Explorer waits too much to show preloader

Hi, I have been working on a web page for a while, and now I’m trying to clean some of the errors it has.

The one thing that bothers me most is that the explorer waits too much to show the preloader, and when it shows it is like 95% already done. Why is that???

I’m pretty sure the preloader is well written because its works perfectly if I use it to preload a picture. It shows immidiatly starting from 0%…(taken from a Kirupas tutorial)

This is the webpage with the preloader I was talking about www.satorno.com.ve, it has a lot of small animations, and actionscripting. I was new to flash when I started it so maybe its not done the best way ever.

This link uses the same preloader to show a picture. The test shows the preloader is OK. www.satorno.com.ve/pre2.html

The .fla of the preloader is available here http://www.satorno.com.ve/pre2.fla

Now, what can be making the preloader not to show immidiatly on www.satorno.com.ve?
Is there something that can be done to fix this?
Any recomendation to prevent this?

I need help Please, Thanks :slight_smile: