Export dynamic generate flash (swf) as jpg

Hi people,

Something I wanna do but can’t figure out how to start.

Basically I have a small flash application that allow user to customize a avatar or something. After the customization, there should be a function that allow them to download the avatar they create as a .jpg file

I know this is possible, had seen something like that before, but how should I start about doing this?

Please advise…


Which version of Flash are you using? If you are using Flash 8 or above, then this should be fairly simple. Doing this in an older version of Flash would be a bit more complicated.

yeah using flash cs3…

any idea?

Since this topic is in the AS1/AS2 forum, you’ll probably need to use a Flash 8 script. Here is an article that does a pretty good job of explaining what you’ll need to do; it also provides some source code: http://www.quasimondo.com/archives/000572.php

Edit: Nevermind, see glosrfc’s post. :slight_smile:

thanks all :wink: