Exporting AS variables to server's FormMail


I created a form for my website for customers to post information and I want this information to be sent to my email. The server does not support PHP, nor my own .pl or cgi scripts to send email. The server is Windows IIS based, so SendMail is a bust. The server says I have to use their FormMail script which is located on a separate link.

EX: <form action=“http://www.myserver.net/aspemail/FormMail.asp
method=“POST” name=“Contact”>

This is my first encounter with FormMail and my question is this. Can I export the variables from my Flash form to post into my server’s FormMail script? If so, how?

EX: My flash has a name field with the var “name_txt”, subject field, email field, and message field…

and the html fields my server says I can use with their FormMail are as follows


I wanted this site to be pretty much 100% flash so if the redirection can be to a labeled frame instead of another html page would be great.

Thanks in advance for any help