Exporting Flash animations as animated GIFs question

Okay, so I know Flash probably isn’t the best program for creating animated GIFs. This is more apparent to me in the fact that every time I export something as an animated GIF, the quality is weird and there are irritating fuzz dots all over the animation. So, my question is this:

Is there an efficient way to export animated GIFs from Flash that I just don’t know about? Am I doing something wrong? Any advice would be useful, thanks :slight_smile:

yes. use imageready … it comes with photoshop :slight_smile:


shakes her fist But is there a good way to export 'em from Flash…? Or nay…?

not that i’ve come across. If i’m going to do it i’ll use imageready b/c it doesn’t come out as nice with flash and imageready is very simple to use