hi thanks for reading, ok my problem is, im doing a animation to a filmclip and when i test the movie or publish it, it lags at certain parts of the animation, and i cant seem to figure it out,
but when i export it it seems to do the same thing, is there anything that you can change in flash so that when it exports, it takes it’s time to render it so it wont lag.?
thanks heaps… shannon
AFAIK: (always happy to learn or get my butt kicked if I should say something wrong)
Because Flash is vector based it “calculates” your animation in runtime. That would mean, that every lag happens because the pc is too slow or you have to many drawings in this specific frame.
hope that makes sense.
I think the only way would be to try to optimize those specific frames.
(I have no Idea if it would help to upper the framerate)
hope that helps
i really still have no idea how to fix the problem, im sorry but im not sure what you mean.
thank you for helping, i just don’t know what you mmean.
Sorry, that I didn’t make myself clear, next try:
Flash doesn’t render the frames…it doesn’t produce a lot of pictures and then it shows one after another. So for your question:
is there anything that you can change in flash so that when it exports, it takes it’s time to render it so it wont lag.?
The answer would be:
No, because the frames are drawn on runtime.
What is special in those frames which lag? (a lot of animation going on, lot’s of MCs?)
Is it always at the same time/frames?