Hopefully someone can help me cos i can’t seem to fix this.
I have a main movie which loads in other movies with information into level 1 depending on which button in my drop down menu is clicked. My navigation is within the main movie. However, my problem is, when the external movie loads in, it loads partially over the top of my drop down menu, when i need the drop downs of the menu to scroll over the external movie. Really dont know a way around this. Is there anyone that can help???
I have tried swapDepths, and have looked at the tutorials on loading movies into levels or targets but i can’t seem to find a fix for this so that my drop downs scroll over the top of the loaded movie.
Please please please please can someone help me???
make sure your loaded movie is the same size as you main movie in pixels ej:800x600 this is most of the times the problem, what you can do is copy all the contents of the main site over to the file your going to load and keep all the contents of the main on a locked layer make sure you use paste in place or ctrl+shift+v and work around that and when your done just erase the layer that contains the files from the main
Yeah you can just make the loaded stuff small(er) enough to not overlap…
…or:: load them into an empty clip on your main stage but one layer-level below whatever it is that you don’t want covered,
Just designate the upper left corner of the container clip to the coord’s that work for you
Thanks for your help. I can’t reposition or resize the external movie as i really need it at the size it is. i already tried loading it into an empty movie clip, earlier but it started doing some unusual stuff. However i’ll try loading it into an empty movie clip again cos it seems to be my best bet so far. It did sort the problem with the menu, however my external movies, the 1st one would load into the movie clip, but if i press a button to load another external movie into that same movie clip, it doesn’t. for some reason it opens it in another window.
Yeah it sounds as if when you adjusted the code on your buttons for the load to clip method … you missed on one or (?) sounds even as if that second one is loading a html page with the swf embeded in it (???)
Each of the external movies has a label halfway through it (“outro”), so that when one of the buttons is pressed, it plays the outward transition of the old external movie before loading the new external movie. Also each of the external movies has this bit of code in their last frame…
All of this code works great for each of the movies to be loaded in, apart from it overlapping the drop downs of the menu when i need the drop downs to scroll over the top of the loaded movie.
I’ve tried different ways of loading it into an empty movie clip, which works with my nav scrolling over the top of it, but gives me the prob of the movies not doing what i want them to. I must be doing something wrong when i change the code. Do you know how to change the code properly?
Thank you so much for your help with this, cos i’m now at the point where i feel like tearing my hair out now.