Extending the bottom of a dynamic text field

Hey everyone, I have this problem that has me scratching my head. For some reason I just can’t figure it out, and it seems like I’ve tried everything… like you’ve never heard that before. I’ve done searches via the forum and google and I’m just turing up empty. I have an input field that adds content to the dynamic text field, and when the content exceeds a certain length, scroll bars come into play. That works fine. The issue that I’m having is that when I extend the dynamic text field it does it from both top and bottom evenly. Thereby, moving the first entry down incrementally as more content is added. Is there a way to keep the top of the dynamic text field at a fixed position while only extending to the base? Any ideas welcome. Thanks.

See the attached - is this what you’re looking for?

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the time, but no, that’s not really what I’m looking for. Let me try it this way, input text field takes content and inserts it to dynamic text field via a button. Now when dynamic text field has 10 or so entries, everything beyond 10 thats entered is never visible by the viewer. Now if I add this code to the button,

btn1.onRelease = function() {
    dynamicTextfield._height += 10; 

it adds that to both the top and the bottom, and I’d like to add it just to the bottom.

Clear as mud?


hmm, you could allways set in that that release function:

dyanmicTextField._y = 20;

20 being the _y position you want to keep your textField at. Its weird that it would adjust the height from the center of the text field… what is your paragraph formatting set to - center justified, left or right? Do you have an FLA example you can post?

Here’s a sample of the issue I’m having. I’ve actually tried setting the y position of the dynamic text field both within the onRelease of the button and within an onEnterFrame. Neither worked. The text field is formatted to left. Thanks again for your time.

I peeked at your fla and probably won’t have time to help with this. I think I understand your problem - but its going to take integration into your scrollbar in order to solve. basically, when you add an item to your list, you’re going to have to trigger the scroll bar to respond accordingly - this can get tricky, but with some time its definitely possible.