Extension of Tutorial question

I recently completed the “Fading Grid” tutorial available from this website, created by Voetsjoeba. I was able to get the effect without any problems but I have a follow-up question that I have been unable to find the answer to elsewhere and can’t seem to figure out on my own. This may not be the place to post this question, but if it isn’t feel free to delete or move this post.

I would like to make a banner that does the fading grid effect and then after that effect has completed, move on to something else in the movie that doesn’t show up or do anything until the fading has completed. But anytime I try to add new frames to the movie, it completely cripples the movie so that it does nothing. I’ve tried to control how many times the function loops and then jumping to a new frame, or simply adding a gotoAndPlay(1); to frame 2 to make sure it continues in frame 1, but that doesn’t seem to work.

Is there any way to do this?