External data

Anyone know how can I store data like movieClip loaded by swf(if for example you use small loader to menage few bigger files)

SharedObject in my experience works only with text/simple vars data so I cant put there bitmap/music unles i will translate it to bytesArray

  • can I merge loaded swf with my loader?
  • can I change properties of SharedObject to support more complex objects without “manual” translations to bytes/Array?
  • have you any other idea?

Thanx alot for any answer
Best regards

do you mean store for a later date, i.e. on the local computer, not within the flash (so it’s still available next time you run the flash)? If so i don’t think it’s possible.

Yes, I think about storing for using eg. after computer restart.
I hope there is any way to do that.

Adobe AIR.