I want to:
- Place symbols on the stage manually in loaded.fla
- Exclude these symbols from the swf because they will already be in loading.swf
So I:
Created a component.fla
Created a “comp” symbol in the fla
Turned that symbol into a component via Component Definition
Exported the comp.swz into Configuration/Components/MyComps
Opened up loaded.fla
Pulled the comp component onto the stage
Went to file AS settings and added Configuration/Components/MyComps to the External Library Paths
Compiled loaded.swf and played it
BUT the swf includes the comp component on the stage…which is NOT what I wanted. I only want the swf to work and have a reference to comp when it it loaded into loading.swf.
Why haven’t the classes in comp been excluded?
Obviously this is a workaround for runtime shared libraries, which is unpredictable, time-wasting and generally painful. Is there a better way to retain WYSIWYG and share symbols? I don’t want to do dynamic placing.