External preloader +swf reloading Main swf - help

I have an External Swf with its own Preloader that is loaded into my Main swf,
It works fine when i am testing it in Macromedia Flash 8 However when i upload all of it to my site and i click the button that loads the External swf in to my main swf it loads the hole main swf again and not the external swf.
(Please NOTE i load the external swf into a MC ‘‘myContainer2’’ on the main swf)
Here are my codes:
External Preloader

onClipEvent (enterFrame)
percent = Math.floor(_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal() * 100);
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() >= _root.getBytesTotal())
} // end if

I have tried adding _root.myContainer2.gotoAndPlay(2); (It didn’t work)

Button on MAIN swf that loads to external swf:

on (release)
loadMovie(“rings.swf”, _root.myContainer2);

Anyone know what im doing wrong ?
Help would be a great help ;D thanks in advance.