External swf loading

it looks like yall have had a lot of questions concerning loading from external sources lately… well, ive got one more.

i need to load an external .swf intro a mc shell in another .swf. thats not a problem using
in which contents is an empty mc. however, this doesnt work when i put the contents mc inside another mc (its masked if that makes any difference).

does the _root function not work if the code and mc are not directly on the stage?

any help is appreciated


oh, and i tired using _this instead of _root. didnt work either:*(

when you put the contents mc into another mc, the command _root.contents.loadMovie is no longer valid. Instead, you should be using something like _root.newmovie.contents.loadMovie or something like it.

See the difference?


where .newmovie is the mc that the contents mc is contained in?
yeah, thanks, ill try that

Yes, because if you place it in another movieclip, you first have to target that movieclip by using _root.othermovie, and then the container movie inside that movie, so _root.othermovie.container :slight_smile: Make sure that the movieclip in which container is in, othermovie, has an instance name, otherwise you can’t target it nor anything inside it.

got it. thanks yall

well, i go that all sorted out, but now a new issue arises.
how would you, in actionsciprt, check the library for the .swf you are going to load before you attempt to load it?
if that was incoherent, how do i stop it from reloading the swf each time the page is entered? if the swf has been loaded, i dont want it to reload and run through the preloader and transitions.