I have a swf named base.swf that contains two buttons. Each button loads an external swf. Each external swf loads data from an xmlfile.php.
If I press button 1, it loads movie1.swf and the movie1xml.php data just fine.
Then, when I press button2, it loads movie2.swf but again loads the movie1xml.php data.
If I clear the cache and:
Press button 2 first, it loads movie2.swf and the movie2xml.php data just fine.
Then, when I press button1, it loads movie1.swf but again loads the movie2xml.php data.
So for some reason, this shows that everything seems to be setup ok, but the right data never loads. In the broswer, if i go straight to the domain.com/movie2.swf or domain.com/movie1.swf, everything always loads fine. The problem only occurs when using the base.swf to load the external movies.
The only other thing that i can think of to mention is that each movies xmlfile.php is defined in an external .as file when published. That seems irrelevant.
I’d really apprectiate any ideas. Please.