External text, css, and undefined

Hello all-

I’ve figured out how to have flash format html text with a stylesheet, but up to now my html text has been defined in a variable in the actionscript of the flash file. I’ve been trying to learn how to pull in that html text from an external file so I don’t have to edit the flash file every time. Anyway, I found what looked like the perfect tutorial in the Flash MX 2004 help file, and it works great locally. When I get the files online though, my text sometimes comes through as “undefined.” It almost always works in IE, but in Firefox it’s more like 50/50 between actually loading and formatting the HTML text and returning undefined.

Here is the tutorial I was following:


Can anyone see any glaring issues that would cause this? I’m thinking that there has got to be some procedure to tell the thing not to actually parse the file until it is fully loaded. It is my understanding that the onData property they use is supposed to take care of this but I’m not sure. Any help in getting this to work (via this, or another method) 100% of the time would be great.

Also, if you noticed, some people have commented on this problem in the Live Docs, but I haven’t been able to get their solutions to work.