loadVariablesNum(“testimonials.txt”, 0);
This code works perfect when testing, and it works perfect viewing the SWF, but when you view the HTML file with the SWF embedded, it doesn’t display the text file content.
Any Ideas?
loadVariablesNum(“testimonials.txt”, 0);
This code works perfect when testing, and it works perfect viewing the SWF, but when you view the HTML file with the SWF embedded, it doesn’t display the text file content.
Any Ideas?
it will more than likely be your pathing.
the swf links to the .txt file relative to the html path. so if the index is in the root of the site and the swf and txt file are are in a folder called assets then the loadVariablesNum(“assets/testimonials.txt”, 0);
its not the pathing, both are in the same folder
Humor us and try this.
loadVariablesNum(“foldername/foldernameagain/testimonials.txt”, 0);
Obviously insert correct values for foldernames =p
loadVariablesNum(“http://www.mywebsite.com/1026/newflash/testimonials.txt”, 0);
tried it just like that…
Here is the deal, it works in testimonials.html, but I am loading it through index.html as an external swf movie. It doesn’t work that way.
i figured it out, i used loadvars and it fixed the problem
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