Hello there,
Im using a js file to make a application communicate with my swf using the ExternalInterface.
in the javascript file i use something like so:
.CallFunction("<invoke name=“mudarFilter”><arguments><string>"+UltimoFiltro +"</string></arguments></invoke>");
This works just fine if i call it this once in a while, the problem comes when i call it multiple times per second… lets say around 1000 times per second the swf file dont do nothing… not even freezes up its like he accepts the values 1 time and then just ignore the javascript.
Any sugestions?
i thought about making an array of values in the javascript and once in a while call the array from the actionScript the problem is that the externallInterface do not know what is the javascript in use because its a activeX control and its not embebed in some html page.
Seems that the call function in actionScript works only for html… is there any solution to for this problem?
tks in advance.