Externally loaded SWF files on click and automatically

Hi… I would really like some help with the following…

I am creating a slide show that loads external SWFs on a button click as well as switching slides automatically… This is pretty much the exact example of the functionality:


I have the action script that loads external SWFs on a button click, but I don’t know how to make it so that the slides switch after a few seconds on their own as well as on a button click. I know it has to do with a timer - but I have no idea how to do that (i’m super new to AS) Can someone please either tell me what code I need there or direct me to a tutorial? I REALLY appreciate any help and THANK YOU ahead of time! Here’s the code I’m using so far:

var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 0;
var swf:MovieClip;
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“swfs/one_btn.swf”);

loader.x = Xpos;
loader.y = Ypos;

//Btns universal function (whenver any button is clicked, the loader will be removed

function btnClick(event:MouseEvent):void {

var newSWFRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/" + event.target.name + ".swf");
loader.x = Xpos;
loader.y = Ypos;


/// Button Listerners