Extra Space added

I couldnt find a delete button, but i figured out it was because the facebook like button i added had a width set, so there is no problem any more.

Hello, i was making a page with a liquid layout, and everything was going fine, until i started trying to have it so a div stretched to the bottom of the screen. When i added some things to the css, (just some height: 100%s to a few things), all of the sudden, there was extra space being added to the right side of the page, causing a horizontal scroll bar to appear. I deleted everything i had added so it was back to where it was before, but the space still remains. I’ve been trying for hours to figure out what i must have accidentally changed, but to no avail. If anyone could look things over and see if they see whats wrong, it would be a great help.


(ps I’m using the new html5 structure tags as an experiment, but they weren’t causing any problems. )