[F5] Arrrgh, need help

I’ve tried 3 different scripts for a random loading image layer and none of them work. Does anyone have code/script for this that will work for Flash 5? I’m totally hung up at this stage and can’t move on with the page or site until I have this aspect resolved. I’d be really grateful if anyone can help…

Could you post what you have so far?

What about it doesn’t work, exactly?

This is what my code looks like so far…

choice = Math.round(Math.random()*3);
switch (choice) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
case 2 :

_root.choice = random(3);
if(_root.choice == 0) {

just do the if statement for each
should work… i just used a variation of that code for my footer yesterday to pick a random answer

oh, not sure if that will work in flash 5… i have mx…

I’ve been getting an error that the Javascript ‘switch’ construct isn’t supported

with my code or yours?

with my code…I’m trying your code now

ok, post back with the results

well, the your code isn’t creating any errors but it’s not loading the images either

is quote0.swf in the same directory as the swf file that you produce?

It’s in the same folder with the main swf file…I’ve been trying to get it to preview with no luck.

do you have aim?
if not, can you just upload the fla along with quote0, and i’ll have a look