This is the first time flash does this to me.
I consider myself quite effiicient at actionscripting (ok not a guru) to have such problems by mistake.
Anyway, my problem is that i am trying to access an MC through a buttons on rollover & rollout actions. So, the button and the MC are BOTH on the same timeline and stage, on the SAME movie clip, and they both have keyframes at the same frame. However, whenever i try to use something like
on (rollOver) {
it does nothing.
If i try a
it gives me UNDEFINED!
What the hell is going on?
It must have to do something with the tween i have just before. In a mad moment, i duplicated the MC that wasnt working with this method and i used the duplicated which did have any tween at all. That worked, but its not right having all your mcs 2 times cause flash had a bad hair day.
Any ideas?