F8 - files load, but preloader progress bar doesn't appear

Can anyone tell me why the preloader script below might not be working correctly in all browsers? It definitely loads the files properly, but the progress bar does not show in firefox. It just shows a blank screen until the files are 100% loaded, then the enter site logo appears.

I have tried the following things:

  1. Using relative vs absolute file paths for the external swfs makes no difference to the behaviour.
  2. Changed publish settings to export AS classes in other than the first frame - didn’t have any anyway. No change.
  3. Unchecked “export in first frame” for absolutely everything. Tried both checking and unchecking this for the actual loader_mc. No change.

I’d post my fla instead of code, but I’m using Flash 8 and can’t save any earlier than MX2004 and people don’t really seem to look at them that much when I post them. If anyone would like to see, I will upload.

Please help, I’m at wit’s end!

Preload code (on main timeline)


onEnterFrame = function() 

      Total = Math.floor (616);
    //original code using getBytesTotal to get the total
    //preloader behaves exactly the same in firefox no matter
    //which method i use.
      Loaded = Math.floor (load_container._level1.getBytesLoaded()/1000)+
      Percent = Math.floor((Loaded/Total)*100);

    //trace ("total = " +Total);
    //trace ("loaded = " +Loaded);
    //trace ("percent = " +Percent);

    if(Loaded != Total && Total >= 4) 
       if (Percent == 100 && Total > 4)
              delete this.onEnterFrame

Loadfiles code - sitting on the container movie (which is on the stage) at the moment because I’ve been experimenting with moving it around. Not the best place, but where I put it doesn’t seem to make a difference to the behaviour.

onClipEvent (load) 
    loadMovieNum("loop.swf", 1);
    loadMovieNum("nav.swf", 9);

onClipEvent (enterFrame)     
    //make the loaded movies invisible
    for (i=1; i<10; i++) {
        set("_level"+i+"._visible", false);}