[F8] Help, Trying to make drivable car!

Hello, i registeredto these forums because im always needing help of flash 8, and this site looks friendly to help me at my problems in game developement :to:

So i try make new things so i learn more! My next project is 2d game where you just drive whit car over guys xD, bec just testing howto make car for bigger projects!

So i have basic guy whit arrow movment and pressing space it should go inside car and then you could drive whit that but double faster again space and away car!

I tested couple days difrents methods all to hitTest to Deleting Movie Clips
And it got at end so messy (I deleted old codes, but many needless layers and Movieclips ;D), so now i started from scratch… -.-’

So my question is how the heck you do that!
Please send there code so i can learn from that, and not failing more…

Thank You, IceCubeZ
And sorry for bad english, and much text.