[f8]xml Tag Help

Hai all.

I’m very very VERY new to XML, and maybe a couple months heavily into Flash. Not the greatest Actionscripter by any means. Most of my work comes from tutorials, and working on top of them.

I recently did a tutorial for a photo gallery, that included an xml file. The actionscript and xml file was provided by the tutorial. I read the explanations of both the AS and XML, but I have a small problem for now.

I’m trying to create a hyperlink within the gallery. I assume that I have to add the appropriate “tag” to the line in the XML document, but as you all know, and I recently found out, tags don’t work the same in XML as they do in HTML.
So my question is, how do I create my tag in the XML document to make a word a hyperlink? (if it’s even possible)

I think this is a very simple problem for vets like you guys on Kirupa, and I hope yall can help me.