hi, this is my first post…
i want to make a portfolio and i’m making a small test file (i´m a rookie in flash) the problem is in scene 3 (i’m attaching the file).What I want is quite simple: when i press the “next” btn, the animation will play 10 frames, til the next keyframe,and stop. this works great.but i want the “back” btn to take me back 10 frames to the previous keyframe. but when i press the back btn, it does the same as the “next” btn!!! i mean it takes me to ne next keyframe, i don’t know why.:*( oh, and yes the buttons have different names.
i made an actions layer, placed keyframes every 10 frames and placed this script in everyone of them (changing the frame number, of course):
this.bk.onRelease = function() {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 3”,1);
this.fwd.onRelease = function() {
can you help me please??
the most strange thing of all is that yesterday it worked fine!!!
and suddenly, nothing!!!