Fade In/Fade Out with tweener

This is very Newb. I’m having issues using Tweener, AS2, AS3.
I’m trying to have 3 movie clips fade in and out sequentially, each one fading in over 2-3 seconds, staying on screen for 6 seconds, then fading out. I would like all 3 clips to loop. Im trying to use Tweener for the first time.

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;

quote1._alpha = 0;
quote2._alpha = 0;
quote3._alpha = 0;

var mcArray:Array = [quote1, quote2, quote3];
var init:Boolean = true;

for (var i:uint = 0; i < mcArray.length; i++) {
     Tweener.addTween(mcArray*, {alpha:1, time:2}); //This uses Tweener classes to fade in.