Fade script

I left my brain at the pub last night and now I can’t make this easy peasy script work.

I have two buttons and an MC.

Button one fades the MC in
Button two fades the MC out.

Here’s my fade function

function alphaFade(dir, whichClip, rate){
if(dir== true){

	_root[whichClip]._alpha = _root[whichClip]._alpha+rate;
if(dir == false){

	_root[whichClip]._alpha = _root[whichClip]._alpha-rate;


For some reason you can fade the MC in but the other button fails to fade it out. ( I also tried it the other way round ie. different starting alpha)

Please help. Thanks in advance.

button 1

on (release) {
	mymovieclip.onEnterFrame = function() {
		(this._alpha>99) ? delete this.onEnterFrame : this._alpha++;

button 2

on (release) {
	mymovieclip.onEnterFrame = function() {
		(this._alpha<1) ? delete this.onEnterFrame : this._alpha--;


That’ll be the one! Cheers! I need help with just about everything today!

Thanks for your swiftness Ahmed. :slight_smile: