FadeIn/ Out Xml and Flash


I need heeellp! Okay, I have an xml slideshow and I want the images to fade in and out when I cycle thru them. I have searched for this topic and I havent found what I needed. I need to know what the code is and where do I put it. I have tried to cut and paste the kirupa xml slideshow fade in/out code but I can’t get it to work.

Okay here is my AS code…

slides_xml = new XML();
slides_xml.onLoad = startSlideShow;
slides_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
// Show the first slide and intialize variables 
function startSlideShow(success) {
 if (success == true) {
  rootNode = slides_xml.firstChild;
  totalSlides = rootNode.childNodes.length;
  firstSlideNode = currentSlideNode=rootNode.firstChild;
// Updates the current slide with new image and text 
function updateSlide(newSlideNode) {
 imagePath = newSlideNode.attributes.jpegURL;
 x = newSlideNode.attributes.xCoor;
 y = newSlideNode.attributes.yCoor;
 slideText = newSlideNode.firstChild.nodeValue;
 loadMovie(imagePath, targetClip);
 targetClip._x = x;
 targetClip._y = y;
// Event handler for 'Next slide' button 
next_btn.onRelease = function() {
 if (currentSlideNode.nextSibling == null) {
  nextSlideNode = rootNode.firstChild;
  currentSlideNode = nextSlideNode;
 } else {
  nextSlideNode = currentSlideNode.nextSibling;
  currentSlideNode = nextSlideNode;
// Event handler for 'Previous slide' button 
back_btn.onRelease = function() {
 if (currentSlideNode.previousSibling == null) {
  previousSlideNode = rootNode.lastChild;
  currentSlideNode = previousSlideNode;
 } else {
  previousSlideNode = currentSlideNode.previousSibling;
  currentSlideNode = previousSlideNode;
/// Right-Click Function
function doSomething() {}
MENU = new ContextMenu();
Functioned = new ContextMenuItem("This movie is copyrighted by Your Company Name", doSomething);
_root.menu = MENU;

Thanx for any help guys!:wink: