Fading In and Fading Out


I’m playing with images that fade in and out. but the tweening effect with alpha set to zero-100% doesn’t give the smoothest of effects.

does anyone know of a smoother way to fade in and fade out an image? does the frame rate have much to do with it? if so, what is the recommended rate? i heard 22 is a good bet. any suggestions.

with best

anything above twenty is good, a lot better than the default 12 FPS.

instead of fading a picture in and out, maybe you can try fading in a box on a layer above the picture, to simulate the effect. do you get what im saying??

Also, if your faiding a box over a bitmap or something big and/or complex, it eats a ton of processor. That could make it look…not quite right.

Basically the thing to remember is that the shorter the period of the motion tween, the jerkier the fade (or any other kind of animation) will be. That’s simply because Flash has fewer frames to fill in the in between states, so it kinda jerks around.

The way to get round it to to increase the length of the tween, so it happens over a longer period of time. But that will of course slow it down, so you need to compensate by increasing the frames per second (fps) value until you get the smoothness and speed that you want.


thanks for reply.

if we increase the fps to 48 let’s say. does the machine actually run it at 48fps or does it default to something less?
