Fading with actionscript


This, i suspect, is hilariously simple so I’d be very grateful if someone wants to make me look, well, amateurish. :pa:. Anyhow, I’m using the following actionscript to fade in an image:

brown_mc._alpha = 0
function fadeImagein(target_mc:MovieClip):Void {
    target_mc._alpha += 4;
    if (target_mc._alpha >= 80) {
        target_mc._alpha = 80;

this.tree_mc.ill_mc.ill_btn.onRelease = function() {
    var alpha_interval:Number = setInterval(fadeImagein, 50, brown_mc);

and while it fades in appropriately, the trace tells me that the function is continously called even when the condition of the if statement is met. This is a fantastic forum and I’m very very grateful for all the help I’ve already recieved.