Falling Snow for one scene?

Hey all, just new to this site and kinda new to Flash as well.

Im doing this animation on ‘Seasons’ and in the first scene I have used falling snow which I used from this site tutorials section [font=‘Times New Roman’][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#800080]http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/snow.htm[/color][/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=2]).[/size][/font][/font]
[font=‘Times New Roman’][font=Verdana][size=2]I started the second scene today and the snow is still there, even though its not on any of the layers - so I guess its part of the code that runs the snow right?[/size][/font][/font]
[font=‘Times New Roman’][/font]
[font=‘Times New Roman’][font=Verdana][size=2]Any ideas on how to stop this?? Any help is much appreciated.[/size][/font]
