Falling Snow Question?

Hey everyone! I’m a novice at flash and am trying to teach myself the program slowly but surely. I’ve been able to do some cool things with the aide of kirupa.com and I am thankful for it enriching the design of some projects I am currently working on. I am having issues with the falling snow tutorial for flash mx. I’ve created it and it looks great, except for my purposes, I’d like to have an option to turn the snow on or off. I can’t seem to figure out how to turn it off and would really appreciate some help on this.

Secondly, does anyone know of any good tutorials for creating a photo gallery using thumbnails to view pictures? Or do I have to make thumbnails for every pic I have and then have each one link to a different frame to view the respective picture?


Batman124617:cool: :ninja:

make a button and add an action similar to this;

on (press) {

that should do it…i haven’t checked out the tutorial…but i assume all the actionscript is in the snowflake movie clip…

Thanks to LoungeActx, I figured out how to create a button for the falling snow effect in my project. My final code ended up being

on (release) {
for (k=0; k<8; k++) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.snow, “Snow”+k, k);

Simple huh?! Well, now that I have a button to turn it on, I can’t figure out how to turn it off. Could someone advise me on how to control my weather problems?

This is in Flash MX btw.

Thanks! :ninja: :crazy: