Falsh Remoting Question : CFML array vs Flash array

Can anyone help me with this.

I have a CFML array which i am passing via a cfc to flash. Unfortunately in CFML (coldfusion) the first array index is 1 and not 0 as in flash. This is causing me an error.


you probably need to use something like this:

for(i=0; i<myCFArray.length-1; i++) {
myFlashArray* = myCFArray[i-1]

Unfortunately I get an error before i even get to the _results functions. I tried countering it by adding an extra “blank” entry at the begining of the array.

But if you have an array that contains 3 values from cfmx that is arrayVal[1] , arrayVal[2] and arrayVal[3] flash gives me the following error
arrayVal[0] undefined arrayVal[2], arrayVal[3]

The undefined throws the error.