$query = “technologies.txt”;
//Create the DOM Document object from the XML returned by the query
$xml = file_get_contents($query);
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom = DOMDocument::loadXML($xml);
function xml_to_result($dom) {
//This function takes the XML document and maps it to a
//PHP object so that you can manipulate it later.
//First, retrieve the root element for the document
$root = $dom->firstChild;
//Next, loop through each of its attributes
foreach($root->attributes as $attr) {
$res[$attr->name] = $attr->value;
//Now, loop through each of the children of the root element
//and treat each appropriately.
//Start with the first child node. (The counter, i, is for
//tracking results.
$node = $root->firstChild;
$i = 0;
//Now keep looping through as long as there is a node to work
//with. (At the bottom of the loop, the code moves to the next
//sibling, so when it runs out of siblings, the routine stops.
while($node) {
//For each node, check to see whether it's a Result element or
//one of the informational elements at the start of the document.
switch($node->nodeName) {
//Result elements need more analysis.
case 'Result':
//Add each child node of the Result to the result object,
//again starting with the first child.
$subnode = $node->firstChild;
while($subnode) {
//Some of these nodes just are just whitespace, which does
//not have children.
if ($subnode->hasChildNodes()){
//If it does have children, get a NodeList of them, and
//loop through it.
$subnodes = $subnode->childNodes;
foreach($subnodes as $n) {
//Again check for children, adding them directly or
//indirectly as appropriate.
if($n->hasChildNodes()) {
foreach($n->childNodes as $cn){
} else {
//Move on to the next subnode.
$subnode = $subnode->nextSibling;
//Other elements are just added to the result object.
$res[$node->nodeName] = trim($node->nodeValue);
//Move on to the next Result of informational element
$node = $node->nextSibling;
return $res;
//First, convert the XML to a DOM object you can manipulate.
$res = xml_to_result($dom);
//Use one of those “informational” elements to display the total
//number of results for the query.
echo "<p>The query returns “.$res[“totalResultsAvailable”].
" total results The first 10 are as follows:</p>”;
//Now loop through each of the actual results.
for($i=0; $i<$res[‘totalResultsReturned’]; $i++) {
echo "<a> $res[$i]<a/>";
echo $res[$i]['Summary'];
echo "<br /><br />";
i’ve built together the following code using ibms php guides however im getting this-Fatal error: Call to undefined static function: domdocument::loadxml()
ive searched google etc but luck.
any thoughts?