Favorite cereal?

my Favorite is called Smart Start.:beam:

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**cocoa krispies and cocoa puffs mixxed together in a giant bowl with 1/2 gallon of milk.

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

half a gallon. the bowl must be huge. lol

Raisen Brand is my favorite. =)

mmm… speaking of cerial… i will be right back:beam:

Get me a bowl too my lil unwanted brother! =)

aw man, i had to settle with froot loops:sigh:

*Originally posted by Alex *
**aw man, i had to settle with froot loops:sigh: **

That’s because you’re a fruit!! haha j/k :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao… Good One EG! :slight_smile:

I love Cocoa Krispies or those new OreO’s…

Coron Flakes are good with Strawberries and sugar…

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**That’s because you’re a fruit!! haha j/k :stuck_out_tongue: **

fruity is the last thing i am. lol im FAR from being fruity=)

lucky charms!!


I like golden grahms… and Quaker Toasted Oatmeal (honey)

also Fruity/Cocoa Pebbles, lucky charms, apple jacks, fruitloops…

What about Kix and Trix? Anyone like those? =)

funny rabbit, tricks are for kids.:stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Alex *
**funny rabbit, tricks are for kids.:stuck_out_tongue: **

You dork!! It’s “Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.” hahahah =)

hey your the dork for remembering it:trout:

Hilarious bunny, Special K is for adults. =)

Oh my god, shane, you’re right, Geek DOES live to make fun of alex.

I eat oatmeal for breakfast. Maple and Brown Sugar.


eww oatmeal reminds me of throw up, i think its gross. :hangover:

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**Oh my god, shane, you’re right, Geek DOES live to make fun of alex.

I eat oatmeal for breakfast. Maple and Brown Sugar. **

I’m gonna have to agree with you on this one Aislin, you’re correct. =)