Favourite Design Style

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OK… OK… Maybe this has been posted before? However, i have searched for multiple terms and phrases, i had no luck. Therefore i decided to create a new thread for People to state there favourite design style and maybe even why.

I think it would be nice to make this a poll for those lazy people :z: (including me) who don’t want to view every post (being optimistic about post count… why not?) and tally each to see the community favourite.

so first, clickity click on the poll and make me happy (and have a round of eBeer on me:beer:), then , if you like, post so we can see roughly who voted what and why.

Quick Note:
Before some of you say this:
It depends on the type of site you are making, the theme, the personal taste of the person you are developing it for, and so on, and so forth.

I would like to say:

I like lots of styles, and… yes… it does generally depends on the type of site you are creating, however, for a neutral site, which can suit any style what would be your choice.

Now for me to state my favourite design style (for a neutral site, which can suit any style, this is my choice.)

Favourite Design Style: I like the clean style sites.

Why: I feel that this is the universal style. I like minimalistic also (which in my opinion is similar to clean), however, i feel this this may one day become dated. Therefore in my opinion clean is the way. It is a broad style and many different designs can be made in the clean style. I also like the glassy, plasticy look, etc these site have.

Please post, I put alot of effort into this post :P.:wink: