Feedback on my site please

Hi, I have just about finished the 1st version of my site.
It * IS * in flash, however its very basic at the moment.

Hopefully in a couple of months I will have a version 2, which will be a lot better, especially in the graphics department! :bandit:

I would like some general comments, basically if you liked it or not ; and reasons why.
Thanks to all those who answerred my questions on the forum in the past, a lot of those answerred questions went into the site.

There is a guestbook in “Micellaneous” so be sure to sign it!


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I don’t think it will win site of the week… unless… Kirupa did you ever get that bag 10 dollar bills I sent you? :wink:

first of all, your intro animation (when the book like thing is faded in and zoomed… ) is way to slow. Even on my fast computer it seems to lag.

Your layout is too huge. I don’t like it when i visit sites that use 100% value for the movie size. Especially on my 22". everything looks big and unprofessional.

You need some graphics somewhere in your layout.

I know it’s your first flash site and all, and it’s good - being the first site. Just try to fix these issues and it should be ok.

Another thing, why don’t you finish/tweak/improve your v1 to the fullest before you start on the v2.
Alot of people seem to do this, they just barely get to finish their Vx and they just jump to Vxx.

Keep up the good work.

didnt work for me

*Originally posted by enyceexgloboi *
Your layout is too huge. I don’t like it when i visit sites that use 100% value for the movie size. Especially on my 22". everything looks big and unprofessional.

Thanks for feedback - and I totally agree about the layout, the only problem with that is I have a 14" monitor - basically it is very difficult to design anything above 800 x 600 and really u need to cater for at least 1200 res users. 100% does do that just about, but anybody on a larger resolution its gonna look slightly “fuzzy”.

I think by redesigning it, it will allow me more freedom. When I started making it it was in Flash 5 and I know a lot more about what I am doing now.

When I opend the site it really looked noob.
It was

I must say you did try your best.

The content is ok
but the style and the lay-out Is just sad.
I mean just plane ugly.

Why get a site at your site when site’s like 2Advanced has a far cooller and more skilled design then yours.

Here’s my comments:

  1. It lacks consistency, you don’t have a defined color scheme or theme.

  2. It lacks organization, it’s way too messy the way things are laid out. Everything is scattered everywhere, especially your splash page.

It looks like you built this site without any planning and just designed it as you go along.

You need to pre-plan things out on paper, sketch out ideas and then go about designing on the computer. Good luck. =)

I mean just plane ugly.

and helicopter ugly too, sorry . . .

*Originally posted by T-O ***
Why get a site at your site when site’s like 2Advanced has a far cooller and more skilled design then yours. **

lol - you can’t be *** that *** stupid… can you? think carefully for a minute.

what helicopter subquark ?

i just don’t like it… the coulour is not nice… the design is bad and the enter page is not nice. the whole site is not good however, it is your first site.

*Originally posted by T-O *
**When I opend the site it really looked noob.
It was

I must say you did try your best.

The content is ok
but the style and the lay-out Is just sad.
I mean just plane ugly.


yeah the idea for some of the animations r good … i think it’s the graphics part that was greatly missing…

wow, everyones kinda being a’holes here. sorry i cant give any constructive criticism, the sites not working for me.

*Originally posted by RageW0lf *
lol - you can’t be *** that *** stupid… can you? think carefully for a minute.

I think the point T-O was trying to make was that when someone
makes a design, they should try to keep in mind this question,
“what is it about my site that makes people want to visit?” If you
take that in a constructive way and turn it into a positive
motivator to be better, strive to make something worth-wild, then
you will do exactly that.

IMO, I think your site needs a lot of work, but I don’t think it’s as
bad as some are making it out to be. Planning, as electrongeek
said, would be your first move, then learning some layout
techniques is second. Learning some graphical designing would
also be a big help.

It’s very difficult to design something 100% in flash, and you
actually pulled that off. Congrats on that.

I hope you take these posts as motivation to get better, not that
you “suck.” I think you will get better very fast, and hope to see
you post your site again to show us all you progression.

Good luck with it. :slight_smile:

conclusion: Your site needs work and, no, I am not stupid.

As said earlier, don’t make your movie take up the full screen. This site looks kinda plain and inconsistant to me. Each new section has a new design, which is nice, but it doesn’t seem to flow for me. It needs more graphics on the nav or something too. I like the fact that your site is complete though. That’s cool. I feel that you have potential to do much better, just try to plan it out more. Good luck!

Thanks to all those offering constructive criticism.

I know it needs a lot of work, and I am confident version 2 will be much better. I havn’t been using flash very long, and have never been on a course or bought books which I am sure a lot of you have.

Thanks to all those who took a look.