How to check if somewhere in my code some eventlisteners are still “on” ?
and i dont mean check by interaction, but with the code?
is that possible? -
If i have a menu with some tween, and the user clicks, it takes some time before he will be able to click on another menu button (at least it doesnt happen instantly), or if i have a gallery and when user clicks on the thumbs it also takes some time to remove the previous picture and add the new one with few transitions, is this is good practise in that case?
in for loop when i am creating and adding multiple objects to push tem into array:
so i then can at the beggining of mouse click function say:
for each (var item in menuItemREL) {
item.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickMenuItem);
item.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overMenuItem);
item.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outMenuItem);
and at the end of the process bring everything back:
for each (var item in menuItemREL) {
item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickMenuItem);
item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overMenuItem);
item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outMenuItem);
or at the beggining of mouse click function to say just this:
for each (var item in menuItemREL) {
item.mouseEnabled = false;
and at the end of the process bring it back:
for each (var item in menuItemREL) {
item.mouseEnabled = true;
I mean is it a good practice to constantly remove listeners like that and bringing them back (does this spend more memory) or listeners being “on” all the time?